Brown Color Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Brown Color Jacquard Design Upholstery, Seating, Decorative, Drapery, Window and Chair Fabric, 100% Polyester, 60 inch, 75 cents a yard
Cameo Color Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Chantilly Color Cotton and Polyester,, Decorative, Curtain, Drapery and Pillow Linen Weave Fabric 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Chocolate Brown Slub Satin Fabric Rayon and Acetate Seating, Decorative, Drapery and Pillow48 inch, 75 cents to $1.50 a yard
Cinnamon Color Satin Fabric Rayon and Acetate Seating, Decorative, Drapery and Pillow 48 inch, $1.50 a yard
Cream Color Panel and Acoustic Panel Fabric NRC 1.0 acoustically neutral 66 inch wide $1.50 a yard
Cyprus Green Color Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Cyprus Green Color Slub Linen Fabric Cotton and Polyester, Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow Fabric 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Damson Color Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Drapery and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Delft Blue Slub Linen Fabric Cotton and Polyester, Decorative, Drapery,Curtain and Pillow Fabric 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Fawn Brown Linen Weave Fabric Cotton and, Decorative, Curtain, Drapery and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Glade Green Rayon and Acetate Seating, Decorative, Drapery and Pillow Satin Fabric 48 inch, 50 cents to 75 cents a yard
Greenmist Color Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Ivory-Off White Color Satin Fabric Rayon and Acetate Seating, Decorative, Drapery and Pillow 48 inch, $1.50 a yard
Leaf Green Linen Weave Fabric Cotton and Polyester, Decorative, Drapery,Curtain and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Light Beige Panel and AcousticPanel Fabric NRC 1.0 acoustically neutral 66 inch wide $1.50 a yard
Light Gray-Grey Panel and AcousticPanel Fabric NRC 1.0 acoustically neutral 66 inch wide $1.50 a yard
Lilac Color Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Mauve Color Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Meadow Green Color Slub Linen Fabric Cotton and Polyester, Decorative, Drapery, Curtain and Pillow Fabric 48 inch, 50 to 75 cents a yard
Moss Green Cotton and Polyester Decorative, Drapery ,Curtain and Pillow Linen Weave Fabric 48 inch, 50 cents a yard
Optic White 200 Denier Nylon Fabric Heatset 60 inches wide 65 cents a yard
Pearl White Cotton & Polyester Linen Weave Fabric Decorative, Curtain, Drapery and Pillow 48 inch, 75 cents a yard